Our Vision
Our aim is to build and sustain a learning community for our children and families with Weoley Castle Nursery School at its heart.
A safe, forward thinking, welcoming and nurturing place where emotional well-being is a high priority, each individual is included and valued for what they know and can do and everyone is encouraged to develop to their full potential.
We wish for all of us a spirit of optimism, curiosity and wonder, an enquiring mind and respect for themselves, others and their world - building brighter futures for everyone.
We are a school that is committed to the approaches and principles of co-production as detailed in the Birmingham SEND co-production Framework & Charter.
We are committed to promoting the voice and participation of children, young people and parent carers in our setting. We work in a collaborative partnership with all our families and we are determined to meet the needs of each and every child as best we can through this joint journey with families.
109 Weoley Castle Road,
Weoley Castle,
B29 5QD
Tel: 0121 427 1058
Email: enquiry@wlycstln.bham.sch.uk